The Pearson, GA Senior Guide contains key statistics and information about how senior citizens in Pearson live. Use this tool to compare healthcare quality, senior housing options, demographic and financial statistics, and other important data for Pearson with the rest of the country. This guide also contains helpful contact information for local government agencies that offer assistance to senior citizens.
Learn more about Pearson, GA seniors.
10% of the population of Pearson, GA are seniors Source:
34% of those seniors living in Pearson, GA are living alone Source:
45% of Pearson senior households have an annual income of less than $10k and 67% less than $20k Source: ACS
34% of Pearson, GA residents 60 and over received food stamps in the last year Source: ACS
The average Social Security Income in Pearson is $10,898/year Source: ACS
The median household income for a Pearson senior is $11,591 Source: ACS
Compared to other states, Georgia ranks 42nd for Long Term Care and 39th for America’s Health Rankings Source:
There are 36 working seniors in Pearson Source: ACS
20% of the seniors in Pearson are veterans Source: ACS